Wednesday, 31 October 2012

The 100th post

Wow this is actually my 100th post. I cannot believe I have gotten here so quickly.

I was thinking today about all the things I have wrote in my previous posts. The ups and downs, the naughty bits and the just plain fun ones. I couldn’t really remember everything and thought about reading them all back, then I realised that I really just didn’t want to. Some things really hurt me when I wrote about them and I didn’t want to remind myself of them.

I also think I would kick myself 100 times for everything that has happened with Mr FWB as I know deep down that it is all wrong.

He is coming home from his holiday this weekend and I have to say I am not looking forward to it at all. The past 3 weeks have been really nice and man stress free. I haven’t worried about running in to him or hearing from him. Or knowing that when he clicks his fingers 9 times out of 10 I will go running. As mean as this sounds I really wish he would just stay out there. Guess it just gives me more motivation to get away next year!

So a little Dana update. Well she went on holiday with her man friend and it would seem they are now together. She has finally gotten the man she has always wanted but now that she has him I wonder if it is all she thought it would be. Only time will tell I guess.

Now for the others;

Olivia is still single which amazes me but she seems to be happy with it so good for her

Melissa still needs to get laid. I was trying to set her up with the Blur (our friend) but she seemed a little off about it. Maybe she needs some convincing, or alcohol! J

Steven is fine. Working really long hours so we don’t get to see him that much. Unfortunately we have drifted as friends and are really just roommates now. It’s a shame but I suppose these things happen!

Mr Wise is still waiting on some information about his move, he got the job he went for yay, but it does mean he will be leaving booo! Guess we will just have to make sure we have lots of days out before then.

There isn’t much else to say today other than Happy Halloween and I hope you have all enjoyed reading my 100 posts as much as I have enjoyed writing them!


Monday, 29 October 2012

The great weekend and the dilemma

My weekend as expected was really good! Friday night I stayed in and carved a pumpkin. I was going to do two but got bored after the first one and gave up. He wasn’t that bad in the end J

Saturday I did a touristy thing with Melissa which was nice. It’s funny how you don’t ever do the tourist things close to you until someone makes you. I guess you always figure they will be there so you can come back to them.

Saturday night was the murder mystery. It went down really well and everyone enjoyed themselves. I didn’t actually get that drunk which was surprising but I think it was better that way as I didn’t feel terrible when I woke up. We went into my ex local town and danced the night away J

So now for the dilemma. It would seem one of my friends – let’s call him Kevin – has a thing for me. Now Kevin is lovely and I have been friends with him for years but I do not and never will see him like that. I knew a couple of years ago he liked me but a couple of people explained to him it wouldn’t be right and he left it alone. Now it seems he has decided to try again.

The problem is he is coming to Las Vegas in December and was supposed to be sharing a room with me. Obviously that can now not happen and we need to rethink the sleeping arrangements. I feel bad as he is a lovely guy but just not my type. Now do I say something to him and explain and possibly make the friendship uncomfortable or do I leave it alone and pretend I don’t know! Ahh this is so difficult. Either way I don’t feel happy about it.

Any suggestions would be very welcomed!


Friday, 26 October 2012


So my favourite time of year is Halloween.

All the other holidays -  Christmas, Valentine’s day etc. are all focused on people getting together and especially with Valentine’s day it is all about being with someone. Halloween is not like that at all. It is about dressing up with friends and usually when you are older getting pretty drunk and playing games.

Tomorrow night I am off to my sisters for a murder mystery night. For anyone who hasn’t played you basically get into characters and someone dies. You then spend the night trying to work out who did it. As I am hosting this one I actually know who is the victim and who is the murderer but it isn’t spoiling the fun for me. I am actually looking forward to trying to throw people off.

I have decided this year to go as a witch! The outfit is well…… interesting. Let’s just say none of you would let your children/younger sisters go out wearing this but as I am a grown up, I am allowed.

After the party we are heading into the local town of where I used to live and I cannot wait. I have not been out there for ages and the people who I am going out with are some of my closest friends and we never fail to have a good night.

I haven’t been out drinking for such a long time. I hope I can still keep up J

Tonight is mostly going to be spent carving pumpkins. I have never been good at it under supervision so good knows what they are going to look like if I am left on my own!

Anyway hope you all have great weekends as I am sure I will be J


Thursday, 25 October 2012

Sorry I am so bad

And unfortunately I don’t mean in the sexual good kind of way

I have neglected my blogging duties and for that I would like to apologise.

Work has been so very busy and as that is what is funding my travelling I have had to focus on that! Damn work getting in the way of things.

Well my holiday was as I said very lovely however as it was quiet I had a lot of time to think about things. Being left with my own thoughts is never a good idea. I thought a lot about Mr FWB and how I really felt about him. It is confusing as I do like him but I genuinely could never be with him. He has been away on holiday and when he didn’t contact me I didn’t mind but when he did I was happy. Silly feelings getting confused!

Anyway I promise to update again tomorrow and to make it a good one!

Dana is back off her holiday now so I certainly need to get some information about that one J


Monday, 22 October 2012

Im baaaack!

Hello all! Have you missed me? Ok don’t answer that one

Well I am back and refreshed and feeling great. I am actually giddy I think J

There is no particular reason for my upbeat mood right now, I am just really loving life and no before you ask I am not high!

My holiday was lovely. It was a great chance to relax however when we first set off it seemed that everything that could go wrong would! Firstly there was a problem with one of the roads we had to go down which meant there was a lot of traffic and too say my Dad is not a patient man is an understatement. When we finally picked up speed we ended up hitting a low flying pigeon! Too be fair it flew into us and we were lucky it didn’t smash the wind screen. Poor thing! L

When we finally arrived at the airport we were delayed by an hour which isn’t that uncommon so we were not too bothered. We made it safely to the other end where we then proceeded to wander around the airport looking for where we would collect the car from. After about an hour of going up and down in lifts we finally found the car hire station – with its hour long queue. Great fun. Good news is the guy was so fed up of moany people that when he got to us and we spoke politely to him he actually upgraded our car for free. Result!

Then came the secret squirrel mission. We had to drive to near the apartment and head into an industrial estate where we were told to find a safe hidden behind a door to collect our keys and boy it was well hidden. We finally found it however when we entered the code we were given – nothing. Yep that’s right it was broken!! So a quick phone call to the emergency number and out someone came to open it for us. The rain had apparently broken it (this was the only time it rained when were there so pleased with that). Anyway keys in hand off we went to find our apartment.

The rest of the holiday was spent sunbathing, eating and drinking. I couldn’t think of a better way to spend a week.

I am going to have to cut the blog short I am afraid as I have to do some work (my super sidekick is once again off) however if I have time I will carry on tomorrow J

Hope you have all had a great week!


Saturday, 13 October 2012

Were all going on a summer holiday

Well I am anyway! Just a quick note to say I am off sunny Spain and as I do not think I will have access to a computer there will be no posts!
I promise to fill you in on all the juicy gossip I have been saving up when I am back

Hope you all have a great week! See you soon!


Thursday, 11 October 2012

The funniest thing I have heard in a while

So last night we all went out for a friend’s birthday. We ate and drank a lot! Mr FWB was there and yes that’s right he ended up back at mine.


I have just this second received a message from Steven asking if I had a good night and that maybe we need to get signs on our doors saying whose room was whose. I didn’t have a clue what he was going on about so I asked him to explain further. Well it turns out Mr FWB got up in the middle of the night to go to the toilet and got a little bit lost. He ended up walking into the wrong room and tried to climb into bed with Steven! Something he clearly failed to mention this morning when I was dropping him home.

Thank god Steven was ok about it as I can’t imagine many men would find the funny side to that. I have literally just sat here crying my eyes out with laugher with people around me thinking I am crazy as they have no idea what is going on! Good times.


Monday, 8 October 2012

Woo hoo I did it

That’s right people. I completed my first ever half marathon! I managed to get round in 2 hours 30 mins which was slower than I had hoped for but I did not anticipate all the hills on the route. Wow they were killers.

I am in so much pain right now though. I feel great for doing it but my body hates me!

That’s one thing crossed off the bucket list J

Now time to relax before my holiday where I am going to do some more relaxing!

As for other things the weekend held for me. Friday night I stayed at Mr FWB’s. He is a really strange one. When I decide we are nothing more than FWB’s he comes along and does something random that makes my brain hurt. Friday night he recorded a programme for me to watch because he knew I liked it. So strange!

Anyway yesterday after my run we celebrated Canadian Thanksgiving and I have to say I haven’t had that much fun at dinner time for a very long time. My family were there along with some friends, Steven and his lady and a couple of Melissa’s family. The atmosphere was great as everyone was having a brilliant time and all got on really well. I have to say it was the perfect end to a hard but satisfyingly achieved day!

I hope everyone had a great weekend and to all my Canadian readers “Happy Thanksgiving”


Friday, 5 October 2012

The time has nearly come

Ahhh! It is nearly here. The half marathon. People keep asking me if I am ready for it! Well I can put one foot in front of another so as long as I don’t suddenly forget how to do that I should have no problem. The issue is how fast I can do it!

Yesterday I booked my trip to Rome with my sister. Very excited about that. Another cross through my bucket list (yep Rome was on there).

I really need to get my act together for going on holiday next Saturday. I am so unprepared for it which is totally unlike me. Hopefully tomorrow I will have some time to pick up the essentials and go through all the summer clothes I had neatly packed away (chucked them on top of my wardrobe).

Also this weekend we are celebrating Canadian thanksgiving. After my half marathon I plan to eat my body weight in Turkey. Woo hoo!

Hope you all have a good weekend!


Wednesday, 3 October 2012

I go on holiday soon

With all the preparation for my half marathon I actually keep forgetting that I am going on holiday next week!

I have to say that it is well needed and Mr FWB has just informed me that he is looking to go away the day I get back. That means we won’t see each other and possibly have no contact for nearly 3 weeks. I think this is a good thing because as I said I need to draw back from him and this is certainly one way to do it!

I have also just made plans to go to Rome with my sister the end of November which is really exciting as I have always wanted to go there.

I promise one day I will start saving for my travels however I think that if I am spending my money at the moment on going to different countries then technically I don’t need to save that much for next year! J

Oh a funny thing happened today. My work have provided us with uniforms to wear on Sunday for the half marathon. To say I would look better in front of Henry the VIII as a jester would without a doubt be an understatement. It certainly gave all my work colleagues a good laugh. I have however declined the offer to wear said outfit and have decided to opt for my own running trousers.

It is getting so close now. I cannot believed I signed up for this 7 months ago. Just goes to show how quickly time passes!


Monday, 1 October 2012

Brilliant weekend

This weekend gone has to have been one of the best I have had in a long time

Friday night I spent in but as I was alone I did the following

Read a magazine whilst eating my steak dinner
Watched the life stories of Katy Perry and Millie Cyrus
Danced around my living room singing into a remote control pretending I was a pop star
Added loads of things to my bucket list
And then finally watched half a film before I decided that my previous activities had tired me out too much and went to bed

This all may sound very silly but I really enjoyed myself. It was nice to do whatever I wanted without anyone else around J

Saturday was just as good if not better. Mr Wise had organised a day/evening out for a few people at work and so we spent the day drinking, chatting and finally eating the hottest curry on this planet (that was just me as everyone else seemed to be a little more sensible with what they picked).

I also ended up being a little naughty in the my drunken state and paid Mr FWB a little visit. Whoops.

Sunday was spent hangover free – happy days – and chilling watching TV with Melissa. I was hoping to get out running but I still wasn’t feeling too great (sore throat) and didn’t want to push myself.

Tonight I am back on the running training as dun dun dun I have the half marathon on Sunday! Ahhhh!

I hope everyone else had just as good a weekend as me J
