Hello all my lovely readers. Sorry I have slacked in posting about my weekend sooner.
So where to start. Ok Friday night. Off I went out with people from work for a leaving do. It was a really good night. The people who were there were nice and good company, even Mr FWB who for once in his life didn’t annoy me at a work event.
Actually the complete opposite. He spent time making an effort to talk to me and then strangely enough kissed me infront of people. This was totally out of character and not like him at all. We weren’t even drunk.
Anyway we of course ended up back at mine where my lovely bed that recently bent in the middle saw itself head closer to the floor! J
Saturday night I went out with a friend who I hadn’t seen for a long time and it was really nice. We went for dinner followed by lots of drinks.
Once again a silly man showed his true colours. One of her male friends who is in a long term relationship joined us but was trying very very hard to play away. Not cool man, really not cool!
Anyway we didn’t let that spoil our night and successfully passed out back at the hotel – good times!
This week I need to really think about packing and then maybe what I want to get people for Christmas. Ahh its coming too soon!
Tomorrow night I am off to the cinema and then Thursday out for dinner. Of course Friday is Rome!!!! Yippee.