I have a little confession to make. It is a very very small one so do not get all excited.
There is another guy at work that I have my eye on and no for anyone who knows me who reads this I will not tell you who they are right now so don’t ask me!
Anyway it has been nice to not have my attention on Mr FWB and start trying to strut my stuff past someone else in the hope they notice me J
So far there hasn’t really been much communication between us but I plan to try and change that just have to work out the best approach. I believe he is single which is a good start so let’s see where I can take it.
I haven’t looked on the online dating for days. No one has contacted me but I think that is mostly down to me not having a picture on there. Not that I am a big headed person but I do think the moment I put a picture online I will start to receive interest. Maybe one day next week I will try that and let you know the results.
That is all I have to update on today so I will end it with saying tomorrow it is not only another day but also another month. If you are planning to change anything in your life tomorrow might be a good day to start. I know I going to!