Well uncross your fingers people. Saturday morning I went back to see the original house with good old Mum and after looking around again we decided it wasn’t actually perfect, it wasn’t even that nice. It was just too small for what we needed and there was no way I was going to manage to fit all my stuff in the bedroom.
So back to the drawing board. I had booked a viewing for somewhere else which I had decided to cancel but thought what the heck, let’s have a look. OMG it is perfect and not “I loved the last house perfect” I mean it is spot on. Beautiful. It is slightly more a month but it is a thousand times better so totally worth it.
I had to pretty much decide there and then if we would take it so after a quick text to Steven telling him the situation, off I went to the estate agents to pay for all the checks to be done.
That was Saturday and now we are sat again with our fingers crossed hoping nothing goes wrong. Cross back over those fingers guys J
Friday night was dinner with Dad which was really nice. It was great to get dressed up and go out. Yesterday I played golf and was not completely terrible. I am sure I am improving. Well that’s what I think and I am sticking it.
I am feeling poorly today though which is a bit rubbish. Hopefully this is as bad as it gets as this I can handle.
Ahhh Melissa gets here Friday! Yay. I can honestly say if we get this house then I think I will be the happiest I have been in a very very long time!