Friday, 25 May 2012


We have found one! Yay. However I am not getting too excited as we need to have all the checks etc done so won’t get my hopes up till we sign on the dotted line.

It is so nice and has a lovely garden which Melissa will be pleased with. I can see it now, drinking breezers on the decking on a hot summers day. Ok the drinking on decking part may be right but the hot summers day may not be. We are doing well with the weather at the moment but knowing the UK it will not last.

Finally it is the weekend. Time always seems so much longer when you have had a week off. Tonight I am off to a dinner thing with my Dad with his work which should be fun. Apparently it is for Men and their children however I have heard there are actually only 3 woman going to be there – me included – and the rest will all be men. Hopefully there is some eye candy for me to look at J.

Tomorrow we are making the most of the sun and having a BBQ followed by watching the Eurovision song contest. Terrible I know but it is just so addictive.

I have decided I need to lose about half a stone so I have been running and watching what I eat. I am not sure if I have mentioned it but I am running a half marathon in October so I need to start training for that anyway. Oh as I speak my work colleague has just laid some chocolate caterpillars down beside me. Maybe I will start watching what I eat tomorrow.

Have a good weekend everyone! -x-

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